Well as i left you in antici...........pation
dusting /buffing
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1988 mk 1 with added blocks to hold walls in place |
This involves pastels (another technique i picked up ) scraping with a scalpel the grey pastel i got a powder in a small pile on my pallet,with this like in the video i applied it in a dusting top to bottom motion using a old soft brush and did small amounts and layered it up( observe the results under different lights including outside in daylight which i forgot to do so it was originally to much ) making sure i got all recesses and step and nooks on the roof in the detail anywhere dust could fall and form (personally think this really ads realism to the model of the prop) it had a added bonus of evening out my paint work ,i worked access off with a really stiff brush
I repeated this on the windows and as well as grey i used Gold Ochre
end result has been a nice weathered natural dusty look from storage out on filming basically in use as a active prop
ok little over exposed here, we have had some really bright sunny days but you should get the idea and see all techniques used thus far
hopefully can see the preshading still with added shadows recess discolours from the various washes and the grey dust cover (all been done really subtle as I'm working in 13 scale and didn't want to drown it nor detract from the overall look effect of the box ) and colour pastel brushAlso should see the windows now done i like how the pastel wash pooled in the corners ,looks like its dirt gathered over the years very nicely to me
yellow was chosen ,due to various colours the windows were again a pain with this prop theres so many looks from purple panes to clear to grey ,but theres pretty much always been a yellow tinge and in research i found this is due to the cobex it was made from it is like GRP inherently yellow that and added fact of dirt and filth i thought a combo of grey yellow would work although it sounds wrong
Wet Pastels
I moved on to the wet pastels technique. This technique calls for the mixing of black and brown pastels with Tamiya thinner and applying this mix around locks handles , bolts, along seams, crevices and some shadow areas. This is a favourite technique used by Japanese modellers and is highly effective in accentuating shadow areas.I did this with charcoal and brown pastel
I dipped my '00' brush into Tamiya thinner (and some water) then into the pastels. I mixed the pastels until they diluted in the thinner and then I drew the brush along cracks, seams and around door handles and locks
This has started to now bring the model to life for me
now I'm onto paint chipping flaking to show the layer or a layer of paint under the original (Will be lighter shade) like seen on the prop after much use and between touch ups and a lot on the base with grey to realy show the wear on the base having been the main area in contact with the ground, actors boots, being buried in the ground on location etc
I will also add this to the corner posts mainly to show where it has been handled on location filming etc,
oh and use reference photos to death